Baxter Pick 'n' Place

Project maintained by patilnabhi Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


A ROS project developed as part of ME495 - Embedded Systems in Robotics course at Northwestern University (NU).

To launch (in a ROS workspace), type in terminal:

cd ~/baxter_ws/
rosrun baxter_tools -e
roslaunch baxter_two baxter_two.launch

Goal of Project

Use baxter to pick and place objects from one location to another


The following sections describe contents of this package and how to use them:

1. Prerequisites

The following packages need to be installed for baxter_two package to work:

  1. Baxter SDK - to be installed in baxter_ws/src directory
  2. MoveIt!
  3. moveit_python by Michael Ferguson - to be installed in baxter_ws/src directory
  4. Baxter Simulator - v1.1 (ONLY needed if NOT working with actual baxter robot)

2. Package Contents

The baxter_two package consists of following main files:

3. Step-by-step guide

This section gives a step-by-step approach to run a successful baxter pick and place with this package.

  1. Items needed - a table of height ~ 0.6 m; square blocks (with green top surface); a baxter robot with electric parallel grippers; an ethernet cable (to connect baxter to computer)
  2. Set up networking with baxter
  3. Install the required packages as outlined in Prerequisites section
  4. Clone this package to your baxter_ws/src directory
  5. Source file, enable the robot, and launch baxter_two.launch as follows
cd ~/baxter_ws/
rosrun baxter_tools -e
roslaunch baxter_two baxter_two.launch

4. rqt_graph

The following rqt_graph shows a ROS computation graph for baxter pick and place highlighting all important nodes and topics during operation:

Future Work
